Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Trip to the Lake

About a month ago (I'm a little behind on my posts) we went with the Robinson's to Saguaro Lake. We were only going to stay for a few hours, but ended up staying all day. We were having too much fun to leave!

The first picture is of Caleb cliff jumping. At swimming lessons he thinks it's funny to jump off the diving board "superman style". WELL, I forgot to tell him NOT to do that... as he was flying through the air I was terrified!! I felt
helpless as my baby was about to hit face first (it's way higher than it looks). After he popped out of the water, Uncle Shane rushed over to help him, and the only thing Caleb said was "my face hurts". He didn't even cry! What a tough little boy. After a little bit of convincing he jumped off a couple more times (this time holding onto Uncle Shane & Daddy's hands).

I couldn't quit laughing over this second picture... Me & Melissa are flying in the air & the boys have a look of terror on their faces.

Poor Nadine was so scared to go - we finally got her to go with Shaylee, but she spent most of the time telling Shane to "slow down!".

After we got the little girls off of the tube, Madeline got on with us. Kyle kept trying the entire time to dump ME off... I'm proud to say he only succeeded once (but I lost my sunglasses in the Lake - that sucked). Watch out if you ever see Kyle behind the wheel of a boat (or car)!

1 comment:

Seat Family said...

Looks so fun! It's been so long since I've been out on a boat. I'm jealous. :-)