Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

This year we had a fun, safe, & very busy Halloween! It started off with our Bishop asking Kyle to be in charge of our annual Trunk-or-Treat. We had a chili cook-off, fun house, cookie decorating, pumpkin decorating, a train for the kids, & of course trunk-or-treating! It was a ton of work, but it turned out great & we had a lot of help from our friends. Kyle's haunted/fun house was a big hit & the boys enjoyed scaring the kids:)
Shaylee was a kitty (she LOVES cats) & Caleb was, of course, Indiana Jones. It was great to have such easy costumes this year!
Shaylee getting popcorn at our neighbor's house. Every year they have hamburgers, hot dogs, homemade rootbeer, & popcorn. It's a great neighborhood get-together & we get free dinner!

My mom in front of Melissa & Shane's house. Every year Shane does a haunted house on his front porch area. He's a tall guy, & when he wears his black outfit with mask, it's quite scary! It's funny to hear the kids screaming as they run out:)


moriah said...

Your kids are so sweet. I am glad you had a fun Halloween.

Michelle said...

They look so cute. It is so weird to see you guys in shorts and t-shirts!!! We are FREEZING here!

Crista Tovey said...

Hey Jessica, your family is so cute! It is fun to check in on your sweet family every once in a while. Take care! Crista (Pollock)

happy mom said...

okay this just gets me to wanting to catch up with some things, so if you would be a dear and email me, the link should be on my profile at my blog, then I can ask you some questions that I have been dying to ask, that would get to long and difficult on the blogs