Thursday, June 19, 2008

Bear Hunting Trip in Northern AZ

Kyle is very proud of his bear. Before we were married, we had a deep discussion about how I do not want any dead animals in our house. BUT, somehow, this bear, which Kyle made into a full body mount, wound up in our looks at me down the hall! How did I lose this battle??? We both agreed to put it at his office in Mesa - am I a pushover or what:) Not that I'm not happy that Kyle got his bear, & it is a beautiful animal, but in my house?! Man, I am a GREAT wife:)

The picture to the right is Kyle with his guide Vernel.

1 comment:

Afton said...

What a gal! Greg & I have this same dead animals in the house. I don't want those creepy things looking at me either. I agree, put in the office where you don't have to see it.