Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th!!!

Every year for the 4th of July, one of our neighbors has a flag ceremony, bike parade for the kids, & yummy breakfast. So we dragged our sleepy little bodies out of bed at 6:45 a.m. They are in our ward, and since Kyle is in the E.Q. Presidency, he was asked to help out with it. We had a good turnout and the kids had a blast on the huge waterslide and just running around with all of the kids. But poor Kyle had a hard time staying very long & ended up leaving early because he was up at 3 a.m. helping his friends post political campaign signs in Mesa (for 3 hours, yuck!). So he had a good nap after the festivities:) We also went to the High School for fireworks, but they were horrible, so we ended up going back home & having a firework extravaganza of our own:) We had Jack on watch in case any cops came (we are such law breakers).
Hmmm, what else did we do...well, my dishwasher is broke (it's only 1 1/2 yrs. old), and we can't figure out how to fix it. Hopefully we can get someone out here Monday, because I really do not enjoy doing every single dish for 5 people by hand (but on a positive note, it has made me extremely grateful for all of the modern appliances I enjoy on a daily basis!!). And my mom helped me put up a stencil I have been wanting to do on the wall above our family pictures. It says "Home, the place your story begins". Every time I look at it, I smile...the simple things in life are the best:) I am also super sore today because last Saturday Melissa invited us to her gym. We did the kickboxing class, an entire hour long, which in my opinion is complete torture. I thought I would be able to handle it just fine, b/c I excercise five days a week. But boy was I wrong!!! It totally kicked my bootie...I guess I'm not in very good shape after all. So, I decided to do something about it. I drove my out-of-shape body over to Goodwill and bought five different workout videos (since I hate the gym). I did the first one yesterday, "The Firm". I was so proud of myself for lasting the full hour, but after I woke up this morning, I was second guessing my enthusiasm. At least I know it was a good workout! My goal is to do a different video every day until I am toned & sculpted (I can do it!?!?). I think next month I need to challenge Melissa to a workout showdown:) Let the games begin!!


moriah said...

Jess, It only took me a few clicks to find your blog!! I am so happy to see you are all doing good. Hopefully now we can keep in better touch.
Moriah Kirkman

CAPTURE photography said...

Hey guys - can you imagine that I found your blog through Moriah- weird I know! Just wanted to say a quick hello and hope things are going good for ya! Cara McCleve

Michelle said...

Sounds like a fun 4th! I am so glad I'm not the only one that gets so sore after a good workout! You look so good though!! I hope your dishwasher gets fixed soon - how would we live without them?!?