Monday, July 14, 2008

Kids Say The Cutest Things!!!

Writing down the things my kids say doesn't do them all parents know. But I thought I would try. And just remember to keep in mind the cute little voices saying these things (oh, and don't forget the attitude that goes along with the cute voices!).

* Shaylee fell off the couch, jumped back onto her feet, and said "any time, any place, I'm ok!".
* While eating her yogurt, Shaylee said "I stir it up like paint". (what? how often do I talk about stirring up paint? Little sponges!)
* Caleb watching Disney channel - "this show, it's not gross, it's not scary, it's just right!".
* Shaylee - "I said no, and that means no!". (I have no idea where she got that from)
* Shaylee - "Think about it". (she says this a LOT)
* Shaylee - "Mommy's can do anything...(long pause) if they want to".
* Caleb always says "the next good morning" (he means tomorrow).
* A few days ago I accidentally scratched Shaylee, and she said "you hurt me Jessica", so I replied to her that I am her mother, then she said "well, you are a mommy and a Jessica". True:)
* Caleb said this to Shaylee - "that's a pincher spider, one pinch and you'll die!"
* The kids wanted a peanut butter sandwich, without the peanut butter.
* Shaylee looked out the window last night and said "it's not hot anymore, dude". (if she would have actually walked outside, she would have noticed that it unfortunately is still hot...even at night).
* Shaylee - "I colored on myself, I'm sooooooooo naughty!".
* She was rocking on her chair hard, & it hit the wall. She stopped, turned around to look at the damage, and said "dang it, dang it, dang it!".
* Both of my kids are always saying stuff like "Dude...That's hilarious!...Oh, fine!"

These are just some of the funny things they said this weekend. It's fun to write it down & read it again. I love my kids, they are soooooooooooooo hilarious!!


Anonymous said...

So cute! They're at the best ages for saying funny things right now. A few months ago I was asking (and asking and asking) Josh to do something, and he finally said, "Geez Louise, Woman!" I have no idea where that came from. Jakob calls me a "bad boy" whenever he's mad at me. I love your new background!

moriah said...


Cara said...

I cant wait until Bannon starts saying funny stuff- I would love to take your family pictures and I will actually be in the area the weekend of Aug. 8-10 so if that works we can get it done- just let me know!!

Seat Family said...

Too funny! I need to do write down more of what my kids say. I always think I will remember, but don't. Cute background. :-)

Michelle said...

Those are so funny! I love it - they are so smart!!

Cara said...

Are you thinking Octoberish for pictures? Let me know because I book alot starting in October for Christmas pictures. You can visit my photography blog its at the top of my page!!!

Mills Family said...

Hey Guys!
I have the video of the rodeo for Kyle, but I need your address. Email it to me if you would